Can I give my ferret Benadryl?


Can you give your ferret Benadryl for a cold?

While Benedryl is safe for ferrets, it is always a good idea to research any pharmaceutical product you are thinking about giving your pet ferret. Some medications can cause harmful effects and are not safe for ferrets while some are safe but only in the correct dosage and intervals. When giving medication to your ferret make sure you are aware of any possible side effects and symptoms of any negative reactions that might be caused by the medication. Can i give my ferret Benadryl?

Coughing in ferrets as with many animals is common and often not something you should worry about. The first thing to establish is if your ferret is actually sick or just hacking up a hairball. There are other possible reasons for your ferrets coughing to look out for. Environmental factors or allergies can cause coughing in ferrets, so make sure the problem is not being caused by a dirty cage or unhygienic living conditions. Ferrets can also be allergic to certain fabric softeners or washing powders so make sure these are not a reason before you decide to administer pharmaceutical medication.

If your ferrets coughing persists then you can administer children’s pediatric, alcohol-free Benadryl to help ease the discomfort. An average ferret weighs about 1kg and the dosage for an animal of this size would be around 0.25-0.8ml of Pediatric Benadryl given orally 2 to 3 times per day. Closely watch your ferret over the next few days for any signs of negative side effects from the medication and for any signs of improvement in its’ health. If your ferret does not start to improve then take it to the vet to check for any more serious problems.

Benadryl can also be given thirty minutes before a vaccination to help guard against any potential allergic reactions caused by the vaccine. If you do administer any type of medication before a vaccination, make sure to tell the veterinarian what dosage and what time it given.

The most important practices you can do to support the health and vitality of your ferret, is always good diet and a clean, hygienic living space. Stick to recommended foods and supplements and if uncertain, always consult a professional. If you notice any prolonged symptoms of illness that don’t improve with treatments, take your ferret straight to the vet for examination. Even if the problem turns out as nothing, any illness is easier to treat if caught early.

One Response to “Can I give my ferret Benadryl?”

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  1. Kirsty says:


    To be short about it first, what can I give my 8-week old ferret as a sedative for car trips.
    I have a somewhat long question so here goes and thanks for still reading.

    I live in Uganda but grew up in South Africa with a daxi I got when i was four. When I was eighteen we lost her and four years later I have decided that I want that bond again.
    When I was nineteen working on a horseback safari I ended up raising a mongoose but, against my breaking heart, I released her back into the wild where she belonged. Now I have decided that a ferret is just fantastic for me and I have found a caring amazing breeder who loves her animals more than anything but she is in South Africa and I’m in Uganda. I visit home often enough and my plan is to drive the 4686km through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to Uganda. I must drive because the only airline that flies to Uganda from SA will only allow guide dogs on the plane.
    I would like to know if there is a sedative (preferably a natural solution) I can use when crossing borders to keep the little one quite under my shirt while we go through. There aren’t laws against ferrets in most of Africa since most of Africa don’t know what a ferret is, but it’s easier just to pretend the little one isn’t there.
    I have not booked the kit yet, I want to make sure I can make the journey safely before I commit a little life to mine.
    I hope for help.

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