Can I Give My Ferret Coconut Oil?

Many people consider coconut oil, especially the organic and virgin ones, to be a superfood. They say coconut oil can be great for health reasons. It makes the skin supple, improves digestion, and clears up most of the simple health problems. Coconut oil can lower cholesterol, cure skin problems, and helpful for those with Alzheimer’s. Beauty wise, coconut oil has become really helpful for skin and hair purposes. It helps in removing makeup and gives a glowing skin. Being a […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Cooked Chicken?

Chicken is a good source of healthy protein. Many people who are conscious of their diet would prefer chicken compared to pork. There are also many ways to cook and prepare chicken depending on the culture or geography. One can always go for all-time favorite fried chicken or the Asian chicken curry. Aside from being a usual food that many people eat, some are also feeding chicken to their pets. This is usually the case for carnivorous pets. Can I […] Read more »

Can I Feed My Ferret Bread?

With the ferret gaining popularity as a favorite pet nowadays, more and more first time ferret owners and those who are thinking of owning one, are getting acquainted on how to properly care it. The most widely asked question is what do ferrets eat? In making sure that you are giving the best possible nutrition for your pet, there are some information that you need to be aware of. Can I Feed My Ferret Bread? It is Not Recommended! A […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Raw Meat?

Ferrets are naturally carnivorous predators. They are exotic pets and have different nutritional needs. As they do not have a cecum, the part of the intestine for fruits and vegetables digestion, their daily diet should consist mainly of meat and poultry. Ferrets need a lot of protein and raw meat can definitely provide the high amount of protein that their body requires. Can I Give My Ferret Raw Meat? Yes, but not raw meat alone Despite the fact that they are […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Raw Chicken?

Ferrets by definition are obligate carnivores. Therefore they should eat meat to survive. That means their diet should be composed mainly of meat. In fact, ferrets don’t have the capability to digest fruits and vegetables. They lack the necessary part in their intestines to break down plant matter. Can I Give My Ferret Raw Chicken? Yes, but not raw chicken alone! Most ferrets love chicken. Whether raw or cooked, your ferret will definitely enjoy chicken meat. However, if your ferret has […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter is a known food paste spread made from ground dry roasted peanuts. It contains dietary fiber, magnesium and vitamin E, in addition to iron, calcium and copper. Peanut butter also contains antioxidant compounds that help to promote health and prevent diseases. And while high in calories and fat, peanut butter features monounsaturated fats, which is known as “good fats.” According to studies, there are 30 vitamins and minerals in a jar of peanut butter. This popular spread is loaded […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Dog Food?

Giving your ferret some dog food may not hurt them. But feeding them solely with foods that are meant for dogs will lead to improper nutrition. Ferrets have different nutritional needs as well as a unique physiological structure. You have to be really picky with their food in order to protect their wellbeing. Can I Give My Ferret Dog Food? It is NOT recommended It is best not to feed your ferret any kind of dog food. However, you need not […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Cat Food?

Ferrets and cats are both carnivores. Both need a specific set of nutritional requirements to keep them healthy. They both don’t have the ability to fully digest the nutrients in plant materials. Cats and ferrets require diets that are high in animal protein, and low carbohydrates and fiber. That’s why many consider cat food as the best alternative to ferret food. Although cat food comes closest in meeting those special dietary requirements for ferrets, not all cat or kitten foods […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret Apples?

Apple is a popular and common fruit with many uses. It is also known to be one of the most nutritious fruits on the planet. In fact, there have been a lot of studies that proved its value in maintaining a healthy body. Apples are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients, that’s why they have preventive and curative properties. They also contain anti-oxidants like Vitamins C and E, which help boost immunity, slow aging and fight chronic illnesses. Vitamin […] Read more »

Can I Give My Ferret an Egg?

Eggs are known to be one of the healthiest foods on earth. They provide the most complete and nutritious form of animal protein. Aside from having the highest quality of protein, they also contain known minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and K. Choline is another nutrient that is present among eggs. It is known to aid the neurological system, the cardiovascular and the human brain. Just a single egg can be able to supply […] Read more »